Telescope is a w3m-like browser for Gemini.
the teleoscope logo: a telescope on a tripode with a city and the earth seen from space in the background, with some stars behind

Telescope is written entirely for fun, as a hobbystic project in my free time. As such, it lacks a ton of features you’ll find in more mature Gemini browsers, but it also has some unique ones.

The UI is strongly inspired from Emacs and W3M, so you’ll find some familiar concepts, such as the minibuffer or the tabline, and the default keybindigs also reflect this, but care has been taken to add keys familiar for vi and CUA users too.


distro that provide a telescope package

Source code is available for download:

Telescope depends are ncursesw, libtls or libretls, yacc/bison and pkg-config. libgrapheme is also needed, although there's a bundled copy.

Once all the dependencies are installed, building is as easy as:

$ curl -O
$ tar xzvf telescope-0.10.tar.gz
$ cd telescope-0.10
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install	# eventually

A telescope-0.10.tar.gz.sha256 file containing the checksums is available. However, that only checks for accidental corruption: you can use signify (telescope-0.10.tar.gz.sha256.sig and the public key The hash of the current and next signify public key is also included in the telescope-0.10.tar.gz.

$ signify -C -p -x telescope-0.10.tar.gz.sha256.sig
Signature Verified
telescope-0.10.tar.gz: OK is:


and is available inside the tarball in the keys/ directory, along with all the previous and public key for the next release as well.

Starting from Telescope 0.9, git tags are signed with the following ssh key:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJ0nD5I8BNVJknT87gnpLIJWK0fXTayDktQOlS38CGj4


0.10.1 “Spingere” — Bugfix Release, June 29, 2024

Bug Fixes